Center plan

We are glad you will join our event, full of inspiration and new trends.
We encourage you to fill out the last form, so we can prepare a unique VIP welcome package for you, which will surely make your stay at the fair more pleasant.
You will receive a complimentary set of goodies along with an exhibition schedule.
International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.
You will receive it to the indicated e-mail address.
May take a few minutes.
Do you want to become an exhibitor
of the Trends Expo fair?
Ptak Wholesale Center
Expo Hall | Rzgów | Poland
International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.
Cieszymy się, że dołączysz do naszego wydarzenia,
pełnego inspiracji i nowych trendów.
Zachęcamy do wypełnienia ostatniego formularza,
dzięki temu będziemy mogli przygotować dla Was
wyjątkowy pakiet powitalny VIP, który z pewnością
umili Wasz pobyt na targach.
Otrzymasz bezpłatny zestaw gadżetów wraz z planem targów.
International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.