International B2B Apparel Fair at the Largest Apparel Industry Center in Europe



Why it's worth it

to visit us

[ For visitors ]

Thousands of Polish and foreign brands in one place.

Trends Expo is a prestigious event, gaining recognition in the European trade fair market, providing an integration platform for the apparel sector. The fair enables the establishment of new business relationships and access to less accessible  sources of supply, supporting the dynamic development of companies. It is also an opportunity to enrich your own offer in wholesale quantities..

Benefits of attending B2B apparel trade shows for business development.

B2B apparel trade shows are an extremely important event for owners of boutiques and apparel stores who buy their products wholesale. It is at this fair that the apparel industry comes together to showcase the latest trends, collections and e-commerce solutions for the  apparel industry, as well as establish business relationships and attract new wholesale suppliers. Without a doubt, B2B apparel trade shows bring many benefits – for both exhibitors and visitors..

Frequently asked

The fair takes place in the NEW PTAK EXPO HALL at the Ptak Wholesale Center in Rzgów near Łódź, at 72/74 Tuszyńska Street.

Fair opening hours – 09:00 – 17:00.

Admission to the fair is free after online registration.

No, animals are not allowed in the market halls.

Ptak Expo is located in the center of Poland, directly at the road junctions of the S8 expressway, the A1 motorway, and national road 71.

See on the map >

You can reach us by public transport from the railway stations in the city of Łódź.

Nearest Airports:

Łódź Lublinek Airport (10km)

Warsaw Chopin Airport (110km)

Warsaw Modlin Airport (120km)

Katowice Pyrzowice Airport (160km)

For all registered visitors, parking is free.

Yes, there will be food outlets at the fairgrounds.

Yes. There are locker rooms in the halls and you will be able to leave a small suitcase there.

Step 3 of 3

Thank you for registering
for Expo Trends!

We are glad you will join our event, full of inspiration and new trends.

We encourage you to fill out the last form, so we can prepare a unique VIP welcome package for you, which will surely make your stay at the fair more pleasant.

The last step

Enter the address where we should send the free VIP welcome package

You will receive a complimentary set of goodies along with an exhibition schedule.

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024
Step 2 of 3

Your ticket has been
generated successfully!

You will receive it to the indicated e-mail address.
May take a few minutes.

Do you want to become an exhibitor
of the Trends Expo fair?

Upcoming edition:


Ptak Wholesale Center

Expo Hall | Rzgów | Poland

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024
Krok 3 z 3

Dziękujemy za rejestrację
na Targi Expo Trends!

Cieszymy się, że dołączysz do naszego wydarzenia,
pełnego inspiracji i nowych trendów.

Zachęcamy do wypełnienia ostatniego formularza,
dzięki temu będziemy mogli przygotować dla Was
wyjątkowy pakiet powitalny VIP, który z pewnością
umili Wasz pobyt na targach.

Ostatni krok

Podaj adres, na który mamy wysłać darmowy pakiet powitalny VIP

Otrzymasz bezpłatny zestaw gadżetów wraz z planem targów.

International Clothing Fair in the Largest Center
B2B clothing and textile industry in Europe.

PTAK S.A. 2024